Ink & Toner Experts Since 2002



Posts tagged inkjet printer
Continuous Ink Systems: Yay or Nay?!

Continuous ink systems aren't new on the market, but it's something we're asked about from time to time. Online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay have lots of vendors selling these aftermarket systems for many different inkjet printers. They seem like a great idea, would save you money and might be better for the environment... so should you go for it?

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Back to School Printing Tips

It's that time again! Books are opening, classrooms are filling up and homework is on the way. Are you ready? We've compiled our best back to school printing tips to help you get your printer back in shape (or buy the new printer that's right for you) so you're ready for the new school year.

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Everything You Need to Know About Ink Refilling - Part 1

Refilling ink cartridges was how Men In Ink started. It was a new concept way back then and it took off wildly! Pretty much everything could be refilled, and with a little expertise we kept our customers printing and saved them bucket loads of cash. Fast forward to 2017 and it's a bit of a different story...

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Why Does My Ink Dry Out?

Does it seem like every time you go to print, it's streaky or blotchy? You run a few clean cycles and finally the clogs seem to get better, but then your ink is running low... didn't you just refill your cartridges?!! So, why do your ink cartridges dry out so quickly? And, more importantly, what you can do about it.

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Which Printer is Best? A Crash Course on Inkjet vs. Laser Printers

There are so many printers out there and so many different opinions... to say it's a little confusing would be an understatement! Take our crash course on inkjet vs. laser so you make the right choice for your printing needs.

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